The Dawn

With the entity defeated, you feel a sudden warmth as sunlight peeks through the mist, carving away the darkness around you. Color returns to the world. Life begins to bleed into it.

You return to Tower, what’s left of it. The people there have already begun the slow process of rebuilding. Ready to defend their home from the next time the world beyond the rift decides it’s had enough of your people.

Somewhere in the distance, a shape flickers in the receding fog, a dread silhouette, all wings and teeth. But then the fog clears, and the shape is gone.

Weaver, describe the process of rebuilding the Tower in the world beyond the rift. Who flourishes within the pandemonium, who retreats into themselves, who finds new hope in the places the Echo managed to save.

Adversary, spare a moment to remind us of those who gave up everything they had to help the Echo prevail. The danger may return someday, but for now there is a kind of peace. Describe that peace.

Echo, describe the moment you finally find rest and fade away.