The Tear

If you find the tear before you have found all four keys, the door remains closed. You can return there at any time once you have found all four keys.

The tear is a place that reveals where the crisis began, and how it spread to the rest of the world. The beginning is locked behind a door that requires four keys to open. Once you enter the Tear, you will know that you are an Echo, that your existence is a wound in the world’s memory, doomed to endless wandering unless you resolve the event that led to your creation.

For the Echo

  1. What caused you to become an Echo?
  2. Why can’t the world let go of your memory?
  3. What will allow you to rest?
  4. How do you use the keys to open the Tear?
  5. Why do you do it?
  6. Why did you do it?

It is not your turn anymore.

For the Adversary

  1. This is a place of pure danger, and it has swallowed up all that was left of this place. What does this danger look like?
  2. When the Tear opens, the dangers that have been leaking out of this place burst from their prison. They take the form of a powerful entity, and it tears a rampage through the world.
  3. Take the deck from the Weaver. Take the map from the Echo.

If the players are not in the same location, you can imagine this taking-away by having the Adversary “command” the other players to do what needs to be done in the steps below.

This part is meant to feel painful; please take care of yourselves, players.

For the Weaver

It is not your turn.

For the Echo

It is not your turn.

For the Adversary

This is why we call it the Tear:

  1. Shuffle together the cards that have been drawn from the deck.
  2. Roll each of the four dice and keep the highest result, and then draw that number of cards from the shuffled pile. Set aside the rest, along with any Jokers that were drawn.
  3. Place the drawn cards on the table in a random order, face-down.
  4. One at a time, flip over the cards.
  5. Find the places on your map that match the cards in front of you.
  6. Cross them out with jagged, painful lines.
  7. If the Weave has not already been added to the map, search through the deck and draw it now, placing it anywhere you like.
  8. The areas that have been crossed out have been swallowed by the danger. The Echo may not return to them.
  9. The entity that escaped from the Tear has settled into the location marked by the Weave.
  10. Return the map to the Echo. Return the deck to the Weaver.
  11. Pass the turn to the Echo.

For the Echo

  1. The Tear has been opened. The world has changed. What makes you keep going?
  2. Pass the turn to the Weaver.

Weaver, you may draw the next card.