A Quiet Place
Quiet places are spots where danger is muted, where you have time to rest, and reflect on what’s been lost. You can find a quiet place anywhere, but the quiet places on your map are ones that contain secrets that reveal something about the world, and your place in it.
When you arrive in the quiet place, you also find another echo, someone on a path that is very similar to yours. If you have found other paths cleared for yourself, this other echo may have been responsible. And now they are here.
For the Weaver
- Pass the turn to the Adversary.
For the Adversary
- Describe this place. It is peaceful, eerily so. There is room to pause and rest. The danger that looms over the world is here too, but it is…quiet. Waiting. What does that look like, here?
- There is another echo here. What do they look like? How do they greet the Echo? Do they speak? What do they say?
- The other echo shows something to the Echo. Why does the other echo care about this thing?
- If this is the fourth quiet place the Echo has visited, the other echo takes the thing and leaves; pass the turn to the Weaver. Otherwise…
- Pass the turn to the Echo.
For the Echo
- The other echo shows you something, which stirs up a memory for you. Use the suit to inform this revelation:
Suit Relic Hearts Family and friends, and feelings of home. Diamonds The day of the Rift: what you were doing that day, how you survived, what you lost. Spades A piece of hope for what the future may bring. A way out, maybe. Or a way to build something new in this wretched place. Clubs This is…not your memory. Whose is it? Why is there so much anger? - The other echo departs, leaving you to ponder your existence, and theirs.
- Pass the turn to the Weaver.
Weaver, you may draw the next card.