A Dark Place
Dark places are ancient, built to keep safe the keys that can open the doors to the Tear and the Weave. A dark place might be guarded by a powerful foe, or it might be a deadly trap-filled labyrinth that you must navigate before you can reach its heart. The heart of this place contains one of the four keys you will need to stop the crisis and save the Tower.
If the Echo possesses the relic that matches this place’s suit, they can open the door and contend with the dangers that wait inside. If not, they find the way shut, and will have to return once they have the appopriate key–unless someone has opened an alternate way in…
For the Weaver
- Describe this place. What was it, before the darkness came? What signs remain of that history?
- Declare the Echo’s affinity for this place by comparing their Strong Suit to the suit of the card that created this place:
- Exact match: The Echo should be welcome here; the features remind them of home. Adversary, gather 3 dice.
- Color only: The Echo has no memory of this place. Adversary, gather 2 dice.
- No match: This place is strange, hostile. The darkness has taken this place almost entirely. Adverary, gather 1 die.
- Pass the turn to the Adversary.
For the Adversary
- Roll each of the gathered dice, and keep the highest roll.
- Does the Echo have the relic whose suit matches this place? If not:
- 1-5: The way is blocked; in order to proceed, you will need to find the Relic that matches this place’s suit. Go back the way you came and fnd a new path.
- 6: Someone was here before you, and they cleared the way forward, opening an entrance that was not supposed to be there. Inside, you find the place is empty, except for a Key.
- If the Echo possesses the relic, the relic allows them to open the entrance and contend with the dangers that lurk inside:
- 1-3: The Echo fails miserably. The dangers here are great, and the Echo was not prepared. Ask the Echo:
- How do the dangers defeat you?
- What lessons do you learn that allow you to ultimately succeed?
- 4-5: The Echo prevails. The danger is formidable, but the relic the Echo now possesses has given them exactly what they need to defeat it. Ask the Echo:
- Describe this victory. How do you prove yourself worthy?
- 6: The Echo faces no opposition at all. Although the dangers of this place may once have been formidable, time has a wearying effect even on those who protect this dark place, and they let the Echo pass. Ask the Echo:
- Echo, how do you show respect to those who no longer wish to fight?
- Regardless of the roll, the Echo finds a key.
- 1-3: The Echo fails miserably. The dangers here are great, and the Echo was not prepared. Ask the Echo:
- Pass the turn to the Echo.
For the Echo
- Answer the Adversary’s questions, as you are able.
- Draw the place onto your map. Show it to the other players, if you like.
Record the details of the key you now possess:
- What does it look like?
- What does it represent?
- Who created it, and why is it necessary for you to keep it?
- Pass the turn to the Weaver.
Weaver, you may draw the next card.
Keys are objects of incredible significance; when you find one, you know what it means to hold it, even if you might not be able to articulate its value to your community. A key might not be a literal key; it might be a tool of symbolic unlocking, or an item that will be traded away later. You will only ever find four keys in your journey.
Keys are used to open the Tear. In order to open it, you must find all four keys.